Monday, June 23, 2008


haha. let me tell you something crazy though!!! In the streets, drivers are mad!!! Man I thought we would be dead by now (naw just kidding)but it can get pretty dangerous just crossing the street. That could be our ticket home- ouch. When we're walking in the dark all you hear is, "AAAAY GET OT OF DEE WAY!!!" hahahahaha. hilarious. The bright headlights hurt my eyes and all the noise from the honking and But even with all the chaos, everyone seems to work systematically. They keep the flow going which is good. But then some of the drivers try to rip people off---uhuh. not cool. Well I'd rather take a cab anywhere then walk in this unbearable heat. FOR REAL THOUGH.


Don Anderson said...

I love reading everyone's impressions of Ghana. It makes me feel like I am there experiencing what you are seeing. Keep those blogs coming; they are wonderful to read.

Unknown said...

Guess what Kuting keep pioneering it. Make sure use your payong.


siamack said...

Watch out Bethany! I think African drivers get extra points for hitting the pedestrians!

blkboyyblue said...

Hey- I will be in Ghana in about 9 days and am looking forward to playing forgger with the drivers there. Name is Stewart and am a librarian at the San Francisco Public Library- First Exposures has an photo exhibit up here now. Tell EriK Aierbach I say hi, he and I met and maybe while I am in Accra or Kumasi, I will run into your group. Glad you guys are having a grand time

Unknown said...

Hi Bethany,

Yea that's why you and Naomi should always watch out before you cross.


5h4d0w said...


Check your email.


mak2 said...

ahaha.gurl be carefull out there..

mak2 said...

ahaha.gurl be carefull out there..