Monday, June 30, 2008

More flicks! More FUN!

Stephen Manteh, age 16

Jemila Iddi, age 7

Nuru Karim, age 15

Yaw Asiamah, age 15

Mastura Razak, age 8

Francois Ayiefey, age 12
Learning to Pioneer It
My mom's favorite line is: "Just pioneer it!"
And I have been...absolutely.
On June 28th, at approximately 11:00 pm, we had a power outage. Yes, we had a
P-O-W-E-R O-U-T-A-G-E!!!

"NOOOOOOO!!!" we all cried out.

I could hear the thunder...the rain falling hard...and then there was a loud

A loud ROOOOOOAR!!! My poor friends in Nima! Haha- what am I saying? I know for a fact they can deal with no electricity because they live without it almost everyday. As for me, the only problem I had was coping with NO AIR CONDITIONING!!! Sad...sad...very sad

So that same night the power went out, we stayed up watching movies on the laptops. HAHA NAOMI AND KAREN GOT BIT UP GOOD BY THE MOSQUITOS. HAHAHAHA...I guess someone forgot to close the window...tsk...tsk...


All I know is this- I can go home and tell my mom that I actually pioneered it!!! haha.

Kindess and Humility

I attended worship services with Naomi and Karen. Check this out---we rode out to the city by ourselves for the first time---in a cab!!! Yes!!! Day by day we are learning how to get around.

The lesson on Sunday covered the issue of kindness. What a good topic to instill in us. I learned that kindess attracts. And it does. Just look at all our pictures and the many friends that we created bonds with. The power of kindness goes a long way.

"Kindness giving is kindness received."

So true.

Despite all the garbage and pollution around, the beach still had potential (beauty-ful). We arrived to pick up the children at Nima around 2:30 in the afternoon. They all came running towards the tro-tros (type of mini bus) filled with excitement. Did we have fun, or did we have FUN!!! Every chance, every opportunity with the love's---I'm all for it. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that I will cherish these happy moments. I won't forget them ever.

Highlight of my day: Watching the look on every child's face- Mastura laughed and warmed up to us! After seeing her smile, I knew everyone was having a FABULOUS TIME!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Hi Naomi and Bethany - sounds like you all are having many great experiences! We still miss you though! It's not the same without seeing you at services. We had the Bible Bowl - the kids all did well. Next is get ready for VBS. Have lots of fun and learn all you can - love you.