Monday, June 23, 2008

Catching Up!!!

It's been really hectic the past couple of days. The heat is becoming a BIG pain. I'm already suffering from 16 really ITCHY mosquito bites (and yes, dad, I've been applying the repellant). I guess they really just like American blood because the whole group got bit up too. My main concern is that I wash my clothes ASAP. I hand wash the little items, but for pants and shorts- I need a machine. Fortunately, our guest house has a washing machine. Now all we have to do is buy the soap and we're set. But guess what though- if we hang dry our clothes outside, flies will lay their eggs everywhere, and basically worms would grow on our skin. THAT IS NASTY. Jamie said we can hang our wet clothes outside to dry, but we just need to iron over the material to kill off eggs...EWW EWWWW EWWW EWWWWW EW. The thought of even risking it gives me such a bad stomach ache...

DAD! FOR SOME REASON I'VE BEEN HAVING SOME SERIOUS GAS! Haha. Well, you know me, I eat almost every two hours. Nooo..that can't be the reason. You know what! I think the vitamin C is giving me gas (all that acid and stuff). I've noticed everytime I swallowed like 3, my stomach erupts and then I end up feeling like I gotta go, you know?! Well, if you read this, comment back with a solution. Thank you.

Moving on to better and more exciting things...
So this past Sunday, my sister, Erik, Vivian, and I attended worship services at Nsawam Road Church of Christ (it was too bad not everyone in the group went). We missed the morning class because we didn't realize that it started at 7am. However we went to the second service which was at 10am, but only to find out that they spoke only Akan (one of the Ghanaian dialects). Fortunately though, we were able to get a translator. The language is very beautiful don't get me wrong, but I wanted to understand so I could participate. The singing was incredible, and it made me miss my family and friends back at Ocean View. If you guys are reading this---I miss you all dearly!!!

Sam, the preacher, taught a lesson about living by the Spirit. What a sweet man. Before the service began, he read each of our names outloud (since we were visiting) and had us stand up one at a time to be welcomed by all the members and friends. I felt so honored to be there, and I couldn't wait to write about this event in my journal. The lesson was very straight forward uplifting for me.

He listed 9 characteristics:
1. love
2. joy
3. peace
4. patience- (the main topic)
5. kindness
6. goodness
7. faithfulness
8. gentleness
9. self-control

"Patience will tell you, "Don't rush." That is so true. Because I am staying in a house with 8 other people, I'm going to need all the patience I can get. Sometimes it is difficult for me to develop patience, especially when I'm angry. But since I have the ability to accept disappointments and faults, I can definitely combat any negative build up. When I return home, I want to be a changed person. Practicing patience is a great start. REFLECT. UNDERSTAND. ACT.

*Nsawam Church of Christ
No. 19 Nsawam Road Kokomlemle
P.O. Bos AN 6017
Accra, Ghana
Sam Twumasi- minister


5h4d0w said...

Did you... did you just...
Perhaps we should save the more personal posts to email LOL!
That said, Reduce it to two at a time and see what that does. The vitamin c you are taking is actually non-acidic (calcium ascorbate).

Glad you got to make it to worship. I can't wait to hear more. Can you tell Naomi that we have not seen any blogs from her. Naomi, if you're reading this, save your work to USB if you have one just in case the computer is acting up. All of the posts are so good. I look forward to hearing about the group's adventures daily. Keep it up. I need my blog fix.

-Daddy(blog junky)

siamack said...

“Freshly Ironed Clothes with Baked in Mosquito Eggs!” Sounds like a new fashion trend. You can’t get it even in Hollywood!?