Thursday, June 19, 2008


We made it all the way across the water this morning. After traveling for about 18 hours we made it here and were met by Jamie and our trotro driver James. It was a quick trip through immigration and customs and on to our new home for the next three weeks. It's a great place run by a nice Ghanaian woman named Joanna who is apparently a great cook. We'll find out soon since she is cooking dinner for us tonight!

It's hot, but not too bad - mid 80's, and really humid. Feeling sticky!

There are loads of street vendors that have seemed to smell us coming and surround our group of nine as we walk down the street. So much for trying to blend in! It's fine. They're pretty persistent, but a strong "no" tends to get them to back off.

My time is almost up here at the internet cafe, so I'll check back soon. Just wanted to let you all know we made it safe, sleepy and sound.



5h4d0w said...

How much do they charge for internet connectivity over there?


5h4d0w said...

Yeah, the locals can smell money in the air. :D
What time do you guys eat dinner over there? What did Joanna fix?


madichan said...

Hey Erik,

So glad that everything seems to be starting out well, and it looks like the group is having a great time (even though N seems to be fighting off marriage proposals already)! Hope that all of you will be recovering from the time change, and that no one gets too grumpy from the heat. Thanks for the postings -- they really help the rest of us keep up with the adventures!


Unknown said...

Hi Erik,
How are you holding up.? I hope the kids aren't giving you to much trouble. Sounds like you guys are having fun out there. Thanks again for everything.
