Thursday, July 10, 2008

More Pictures

Poem day in class

Naomi being harassed by a street vendor as we're trying to drive down the street in Osu

Jontonnette and Morgan

Group photo with the drum/dance teachers -
Kojo, Naomi, Richard, Erik
Jontonnette, Jamie, Karen, Bethany
Morgan, Marcio

Joanna, our host mother in the kitchen of our house

Kakum National Park

Bethany, Naomi & Karen

Crazy girls!!!!!

Jontonnette photographing at Cape Coast Castle

Napping at Labadi beach

Playing Oware on the first day of class

Naomi & Ajara - best friends

Karen with some of the students

At the football game

In the trotro

Firdaus and Florence at the Beach

Yaw after being buried in the sand

Marcio after being thrown in the water

Playing cards outside because the power was out and we were trying to get some fresh air

On the bus to Cape Coast


Janet Reynolds said...

Thanks for the photos - so much fun to see them all. Am trusting everyone arrived home A-OK.

Janet - Jamie's mom

naomiiesha said...

i miss home: GHANA.!
send my love to the kids please and let them know we arrived safely.